Network geomap with metrics & alert states#
Tutorial: Observing Zabbix events on a Geospatial Map Prometheus datalinks example
- network topology with nodes, links and metrics
- new: alerting states from built-in Grafana alerting rules
- path to source as an array of coordinates or refs to intermediate locations. Multi-source supported
- bidirectional tar-src paths for selected node. Declare dashboard variable 'locRole' to save state
- donut chart clusters based on the number of color labels typed by metric thresholds and overrides for custom properties
- svg icons, text labels with collision filter
- data-links: icon in tooltip to set values for 'target' and 'source' dashboard variables. Lets you show charts dynamically in other panels.
- comment icons for intermediate coordinates from inlined text and color (ex.: [37.560447,55.550818, 0, "comment", "green"])
- aggregation typed nodes and offset for overlapping lines.
- stat1/stat2 switch to show straight path with secondary metric as a label
- optimized rendering of large datasets using WebGL
- multi layers support of Polygon, GeoJson from url, LineString layers
- tooltips with customizable fields
- customizable nodes search
Explore panel and datasource config examples at the Playground
Required datasource fields:
* Coordinates for points in geojson, lon / lat or geohash format
* Metric field for color thresholds or link your panel to Grafana alerting rules